Site map

Level 1 Item Home
Level 1 Item About
Level 2 Item Contact us
Level 3 Item Report court incidents and seized items
Level 4 Item Definitions of court incidents and seized items definitions
Level 2 Item Social media
Level 2 Item Offender levy
Level 2 Item Fees
Level 3 Item Fees in the courts
Level 4 Item Supreme Court fees
Level 4 Item District Court fees
Level 4 Item Planning and Environment Court fees
Level 4 Item Land Court fees
Level 4 Item Magistrates Court fees
Level 3 Item Reduction of civil court fees
Level 3 Item Refund of setting down and hearing fees
Level 3 Item Regulated fees
Level 2 Item Publications
Level 3 Item Search by keyword
Level 3 Item Judicial salaries
Level 2 Item Jobs with the courts
Level 3 Item Judges' Associates
Level 4 Item When to apply for the position of Associate for 2025
Level 3 Item Starting your Journey with Us
Level 2 Item Judicial appointments
Level 2 Item Right to information
Level 3 Item About us
Level 3 Item Our services
Level 3 Item Our decisions
Level 3 Item Our lists
Level 1 Item Courts
Level 2 Item Supreme Court (Court of Appeal)
Level 3 Item About the Court of Appeal
Level 3 Item The appeal process
Level 4 Item How to appeal
Level 4 Item Written outline of argument
Level 4 Item Preparing your case
Level 4 Item On the day
Level 4 Item People in the courtroom
Level 4 Item What happens in the hearing
Level 4 Item Representing yourself in the Court of Appeal
Level 4 Item Judgments
Level 3 Item Search and copy Court of Appeal documents
Level 3 Item Fees information
Level 3 Item Resources and legislation
Level 3 Item Judges of the Court of Appeal
Level 2 Item Supreme Court (Trial Division)
Level 3 Item About the Supreme Court
Level 3 Item Supreme Court registry
Level 3 Item Going to Supreme Court
Level 4 Item Civil judgments
Level 3 Item Practice directions - Supreme Court
Level 3 Item Protocols - Supreme Court
Level 3 Item Costs assessment - party
Level 4 Item Applying for a costs assessment
Level 4 Item Before the costs assessment
Level 4 Item Getting the costs assessment
Level 3 Item Costs assessment – legal fees
Level 2 Item Industrial Court
Level 2 Item Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
Level 2 Item District Court
Level 3 Item About the District Court
Level 3 Item District Court registry
Level 3 Item Going to District Court
Level 3 Item Practice directions - District Court
Level 3 Item Protocols - District Court
Level 3 Item Sexual violence case management – District Court
Level 2 Item Planning and Environment Court
Level 3 Item About Planning and Environment Court
Level 4 Item How the court works
Level 4 Item Rules and legislation
Level 4 Item Resources
Level 3 Item Going to Planning and Environment Court
Level 4 Item Alternative dispute resolution
Level 4 Item Starting proceedings in the court
Level 4 Item Hearings and reviews
Level 4 Item Representing yourself
Level 3 Item Advice for practitioners
Level 4 Item Requesting an adjournment of a review
Level 4 Item Requesting an appearance by phone
Level 4 Item Requesting a lengthy review or minor change hearing
Level 4 Item Booking an ADR conference or meeting
Level 4 Item Information required for ADR conference
Level 4 Item Changing a court approval
Level 4 Item Seeking a court order
Level 4 Item Seeking a consent order from ADR Registrar
Level 3 Item Court availability
Level 3 Item Accessing court files
Level 3 Item Court costs
Level 3 Item Practice Directions - Planning and Environment Court
Level 2 Item Land Appeal Court
Level 2 Item Land Court
Level 3 Item Reconciliation Action Plan
Level 3 Item About the Land Court
Level 4 Item History of the Land Court
Level 4 Item Membership
Level 5 Item Peta Gwen Stilgoe
Level 5 Item William Angus Isdale
Level 5 Item James Raymond McNamara
Level 5 Item Nicholas Loos
Level 5 Item Graham Joseph Smith
Level 4 Item Jurisdiction
Level 4 Item Resources for Land Court
Level 3 Item Land Court Associates
Level 3 Item Resolving disputes without a hearing
Level 4 Item ADR panel of Convenors
Level 3 Item Information and resources for going to court
Level 4 Item Model Directions
Level 4 Item Reserved judgments policy
Level 3 Item Communication - Land Court
Level 3 Item Interest rates
Level 2 Item Magistrates Court
Level 3 Item About the Magistrates Court
Level 3 Item What happens at the Magistrates Court
Level 3 Item Going to the Magistrates Court
Level 3 Item Practice directions - Magistrates Court
Level 3 Item Magistrates complaint policy
Level 2 Item Queensland Drug and Alcohol Court
Level 3 Item Resources
Level 4 Item Podcast with Drug and Alcohol Court Magistrate Annette Hennessy
Level 3 Item Information for referrers
Level 3 Item Information for participants
Level 3 Item Drug and Specialist Courts Review
Level 2 Item Coroners Court
Level 2 Item Childrens Court
Level 3 Item About Childrens Court (Magistrates Court)
Level 3 Item About Childrens Court of Queensland (District Court)
Level 3 Item Going to court as a child
Level 3 Item Child protection proceedings
Level 3 Item Practice directions - Childrens Court
Level 3 Item Resources and legislation
Level 2 Item Mental Health Court
Level 3 Item About the Mental Health Court
Level 3 Item Landmark decisions
Level 3 Item Hearings in the court
Level 4 Item What happens in a hearing
Level 4 Item Types of court orders
Level 4 Item Making a statement
Level 4 Item Court decisions
Level 3 Item Reviews by the tribunal
Level 3 Item Appealing a tribunal decision
Level 3 Item Practice directions - Mental Health Court
Level 2 Item Murri Court
Level 3 Item About Murri Court
Level 3 Item Going to Murri Court
Level 3 Item Resources
Level 2 Item Specialist Domestic and Family Violence Court
Level 2 Item Queensland Civil Administration Tribunal
Level 1 Item Going to court
Level 2 Item COVID-19 response
Level 2 Item Alternative dispute resolution
Level 3 Item Settling disputes out of court
Level 3 Item Arranging ADR through the courts
Level 3 Item Case appraisal
Level 3 Item Mediation
Level 3 Item Forms
Level 3 Item Filing ADR documents
Level 2 Item Domestic and family violence
Level 3 Item Reach out for help
Level 4 Item Domestic violence orders
Level 4 Item Going to court
Level 4 Item If someone says you’ve used domestic violence
Level 4 Item Resources
Level 3 Item National Domestic Violence Order Scheme
Level 4 Item National Domestic Violence Order Scheme information guide
Level 3 Item Domestic violence orders
Level 4 Item Getting protection from the court
Level 4 Item What is a domestic violence order?
Level 4 Item Applying for a domestic violence order
Level 4 Item Going to court as an applicant
Level 4 Item Making changes to your domestic violence order
Level 3 Item Having an order made against you
Level 3 Item What is domestic violence?
Level 3 Item Support services
Level 3 Item Videos on domestic violence court process
Level 4 Item Domestic violence videos - Auslan
Level 4 Item Arabic translation
Level 4 Item Mandarin translation
Level 4 Item Persian/Farsi translation
Level 4 Item Spanish translation
Level 4 Item Thai translation
Level 4 Item Vietnamese translation
Level 3 Item Hide your visit
Level 3 Item How Queensland Courts is helping
Level 4 Item Court Services Queensland Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Violence Safety Framework – Delivering Safer Courts 2024-2034
Level 3 Item Forms
Level 3 Item Judicial education - Domestic and family violence
Level 3 Item Video Recorded Evidence-In-Chief pilot
Level 2 Item Courtroom etiquette
Level 2 Item Plead guilty online
Level 2 Item Understanding bail
Level 3 Item Applying for bail
Level 3 Item Breaking your bail
Level 3 Item Attending court
Level 3 Item Reasons for not attending court
Level 3 Item Lost documents
Level 3 Item Helpful links and information
Level 2 Item Changing your bail conditions
Level 3 Item Stay at home conditions
Level 3 Item Reporting to police
Level 3 Item Contact restrictions
Level 2 Item Money disputes
Level 3 Item Money disputes under $150,000
Level 4 Item Chamber applications
Level 4 Item Judgments
Level 5 Item Getting a judgment
Level 5 Item Having a judgment set aside
Level 5 Item Registering interstate judgments
Level 4 Item Enforcing tribunal orders
Level 4 Item Employment claims
Level 4 Item Bulk lodgement
Level 3 Item Money disputes $150,000 to $750,000
Level 3 Item Money disputes over $750,000
Level 3 Item Claim and statement of claim
Level 4 Item Contacts for statement of claim
Level 3 Item Bailiffs and Process Servers
Level 4 Item Court Bailiffs (Enforcement Officers)
Level 3 Item Statement of financial position
Level 3 Item Enforcement hearings
Level 3 Item Enforcement warrants
Level 4 Item Warrant of seizure and sale
Level 4 Item Warrant of redirection of debt
Level 4 Item Warrant for redirection from financial institutions
Level 4 Item Warrant of redirection of earnings
Level 4 Item Order for payment by instalments
Level 2 Item Bailiffs and Process Servers
Level 3 Item Court Bailiffs (Enforcement Officers)
Level 2 Item Representing yourself
Level 3 Item Legal advice
Level 3 Item General procedural advice
Level 3 Item Resources and tools for self-represented litigants
Level 3 Item Useful links
Level 3 Item Contacts for volunteers and advice
Level 3 Item Requesting information for legal proceedings
Level 2 Item Settlement conferences
Level 2 Item Appealing a decision
Level 3 Item Appealing administrative authority decisions
Level 3 Item Requesting judicial reviews
Level 3 Item Appeals from Magistrates to District Court
Level 2 Item Applying for protection
Level 2 Item Procedural fact sheets for civil proceedings
Level 2 Item Using Generative AI
Level 1 Item Services
Level 2 Item Getting an interpreter
Level 2 Item Wills and probate
Level 3 Item About probate and grants
Level 3 Item Applying for a grant
Level 4 Item Grant of probate
Level 4 Item Letters of administration (with a will)
Level 4 Item Letters of administration (without a will)
Level 4 Item Resealing a grant
Level 3 Item Searches for wills and probate
Level 3 Item Electronic lodgement by practitioners
Level 3 Item Troubleshooting guide
Level 2 Item QCase
Level 3 Item Frequently asked questions
Level 3 Item QCase – Terms and Conditions of Use
Level 2 Item Search for a court file
Level 3 Item Search civil files (eCourts)
Level 4 Item Guide to searching
Level 4 Item Available files
Level 3 Item Search and copy court documents
Level 2 Item Sexual offence expert evidence panel
Level 2 Item Getting advice: legal vs procedural
Level 2 Item Do it online
Level 3 Item Enforcement officer report
Level 3 Item Registry committals
Level 3 Item Brisbane Supreme and District Courts online application for a court listing
Level 4 Item District Courts form
Level 3 Item Magistrates Court online Application for a Court Event
Level 4 Item Magistrates Court form
Level 3 Item Criminal Case Lookup
Level 2 Item Court programs
Level 3 Item Community Justice Group Program
Level 4 Item Statutory CJG membership appointments
Level 3 Item Court Link
Level 3 Item Drug and Alcohol Diversion Programs
Level 3 Item Remote Justices of the Peace (Magistrates Court) Program
Level 2 Item Transcripts and recordings
Level 3 Item Requesting copies of records in child protection proceedings
Level 2 Item Volunteers in the court
Level 2 Item Support for victims of crime
Level 2 Item Booking a courtroom venue
Level 2 Item Court technology
Level 2 Item Justices of the Peace
Level 2 Item Paying a fine
Level 2 Item SMS reminder service
Level 3 Item Preparing for court
Level 2 Item Queensland Intermediary Scheme
Level 3 Item Who are intermediaries
Level 3 Item QIS frequently asked questions
Level 3 Item Become an intermediary
Level 2 Item Legal practitioner portal
Level 1 Item Jury service
Level 2 Item Jury selection process
Level 2 Item Videos and resources for jurors
Level 2 Item Payment for jury service
Level 2 Item Getting a jury service notice
Level 2 Item Being excused from jury service
Level 2 Item Information on jury service for employers
Level 2 Item Getting a summons
Level 2 Item Going to court as a juror
Level 2 Item Common questions about jury service
Level 2 Item What happens on a jury?
Level 1 Item Court users
Level 2 Item Practitioners
Level 3 Item Benchbooks
Level 3 Item Admission
Level 4 Item Admission - Oaths and affirmations
Level 4 Item Admission - Forms
Level 4 Item Admission - Resources and legislation
Level 3 Item Practice directions
Level 3 Item Electronically filed domestic and family violence documents
Level 3 Item Electronically filed documents
Level 3 Item Electronic lodgement (eLodgement)
Level 3 Item Caseflow management
Level 3 Item Attending by Video or Telephone conferencing
Level 3 Item Efficient conduct of civil litigation
Level 3 Item Pre-trial case management in the Supreme Court Brisbane
Level 3 Item Obtain a trial date
Level 4 Item Steps to obtaining a trial date
Level 4 Item Common queries
Level 4 Item Resources
Level 3 Item Electronic trials (eTrials)
Level 4 Item About electronic trials
Level 4 Item How documents are managed
Level 4 Item The eTrial process
Level 4 Item Label generation
Level 4 Item Publications and resources
Level 3 Item Appointment to King's Counsel
Level 3 Item Reserved judgments
Level 3 Item Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Profiles
Level 3 Item Vexatious litigants
Level 3 Item Court security information report
Level 2 Item Researchers and public
Level 3 Item Courts statistics
Level 3 Item DFV statistics
Level 2 Item Defendants
Level 2 Item Witnesses
Level 2 Item Volunteers
Level 2 Item Media
Level 2 Item Public Officials Visiting Protocol
Level 1 Item Decisions
Level 2 Item All decisions (case law search)
Level 2 Item Supreme Court (Court of Appeal)
Level 2 Item Supreme Court (Trial Division)
Level 2 Item Supreme Court unreported judgments
Level 2 Item Queensland Reports
Level 2 Item Industrial Court
Level 2 Item District Court
Level 2 Item Planning and Environment Court
Level 2 Item Land Court and Land Appeal Court
Level 2 Item Magistrates Court
Level 2 Item Childrens Court
Level 2 Item Mental Health Court
Level 1 Item Contacts
Level 2 Item All courthouses
Level 2 Item Supreme Court (Court of Appeal)
Level 2 Item Industrial Court
Level 2 Item Industrial Relations Commission
Level 2 Item Planning and Environment Court
Level 2 Item Land Court and Tribunal Registry
Level 2 Item Drug and Alcohol Court
Level 2 Item Childrens Court
Level 2 Item Mental Health Court
Level 2 Item Murri Court
Level 2 Item Links to other courts
Level 2 Item Courts-related links
Level 2 Item Court programs
Level 2 Item Judiciary contacts
Level 3 Item Judges of the Court of Appeal
Level 3 Item Judges of the Supreme Court
Level 3 Item Judges of the District Court
Level 3 Item Judges of the Planning and Environment Court
Level 3 Item Judges of the Childrens Court
Level 3 Item Magistrates in Queensland
Level 1 Item Utilities
Level 2 Item Accessibility
Level 2 Item Copyright
Level 2 Item Disclaimer
Level 2 Item Privacy
Level 1 Item Courts calculator
Level 2 Item Interest calculator
Level 2 Item Interest rates