Below are links to the various fees payable for applications and processes in Queensland's courts and tribunals.
All fees are subject to change without notice. See our notes on regulated fees.
Fees in the courts
Fees for the various courts and tribunals.
Courtroom venue fees
The Supreme, District and Magistrates Courts have a range of rooms and resources for hire.
Offender levy
The offender levy is an administrative fee to help pay for law enforcement and administration costs.
Paying a fine
How to pay a court fine
Reduction of civil court fees
When you can apply to request that the registrar reduce certain civil fees
Refund of setting down and hearing fees
When you can request a 75% refund of a setting down or hearing fee paid in the Supreme or District Court registry
Regulated fees
A list of recent or relevant changes to fees or related legislation
Transcripts and recordings fees
Fees for copies of a record of a legal proceeding in print or electronic form