Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is an independent, accessible tribunal that efficiently resolves disputes and makes decisions on a range of matters.

The tribunal’s purpose is to provide a quick, inexpensive avenue to resolve legal disputes between parties.

QCAT resolves disputes and makes decisions about:

  • building disputes
  • children and young people
  • consumer disputes
  • debt disputes
  • decision-making for Adults with impaired capacity
  • discipline and regulation of professionals
  • discrimination complaints
  • other civil disputes
  • residential tenancy disputes
  • retail shop leases
  • review of government agency decisions
  • tree disputes.

People who attend QCAT are generally self-represented, as this is central to the tribunal’s ability to deliver efficient, cost effective justice services.

They may resolve their dispute through a hearing, mediation, compulsory conference or hybrid hearing.

Members, adjudicators and mediators may help parties resolve matters. Members may be part of the legal profession or have substantial, relevant experience in a particular profession that qualifies them to hear specific types of matters.

Tribunal orders are legally binding and enforceable. In Queensland, enforcement proceedings are decided in the courts, which can make various orders to compel a person to comply with an order.