Interest calculator
To expedite your request or application, print this page and present it to the registry with your request for default judgment, application for enforcement hearing summons to application for enforcement warrant.
- This interest calculator is for calculating simple interest from 1 November 2000 only.
- The pre-judgment rate is to be used when calculating the amount of interest payable on a default judgment. See interest rates on default judgments before a registrar for current and past rates.
- The post-judgment rate is to be used when calculating the amount of interest payable on an enforcement hearing summons or enforcement warrant. See interest on money order for current and past rates.
- When calculating post-judgment interest, the date to calculate interest from is the day following the date of judgment. (For example, if the date of judgment is 1 January 2011, interest is calculated from 2 January 2011.)
- The agreed/contractual rate (shown as the 'default fate' in the calculation) is the interest rate pleaded in the statement of claim as the applicable rate pursuant to an agreement or contract.
- The default Reserve Bank interest rates are adjusted on 1 January and 1 July each year.
- The debt/judgment amount is the amount claimed in the claim and statement of claim (for default judgment) or the amount of the judgment/order (for enforcement warrants/summons).