Judges of the Planning and Environment Court

Note: For general enquiries, contact the relevant Planning and Environment Court registry.

The Planning and Environment Court is constituted by the following District Court judges. (See the full list of judges of the District Court.)

Click a name to view their profile, speeches and publications on the Supreme Court Library Queensland website.

Refer to the naming convention for judicial officers (PDF, 212.0 KB).

Andreatidis KC DCJ (07) 3738 7613 (Associate)
Barlow KC DCJ (07) 3738 7506 (Associate)
Byrne KC DJC (07) 3738 7570 (Associate)
Cash DCJ (Maroochydore) (07) 5376 5145 (Associate)
Coker DCJ (Townsville) (07) 4781 8609 (Associate)
Dann DCJ (07) 3738 7552 (Associate)
Devereaux SC CJDC (07) 3738 7566 (Associate)
Everson DCJ (07) 3738 7562 (Associate)
Fantin DCJ (Cairns) (07) 4280 6064 (Associate)
Holliday KC DCJ (Southport) (07) 5675 7118 (Associate)
Horneman-Wren SC DCJ (Ipswich) (07) 3470 7374 (Associate)
Jackson KC DCJ (Southport) (07) 5675 7114 (Associate)
Kefford DCJ (07) 3738 7556 (Associate)
Kent KC DCJ (07) 3738 7532 (Associate)
Long SC DCJ (Maroochydore) (07) 5376 5144 (Associate)
McDonnell DCJ (07) 3738 7560 (Associate)
Morzone KC DCJ (Cairns) (07) 4280 6066 (Associate)
Prskalo KC DCJ (Southport) (07) 5675 7120 (Associate)
Rafter SC DCJ (07) 3738 7568 (Associate)
Richards DCJ (07) 3738 7528 (Associate)
Treviño KC DCJ (Cairns) (07) 4280 6068 (Associate)
Williamson KC DCJ (Brisbane - Listing Judge) (07) 3738 7550 (Associate)
Wooldridge KC DCJ (Southport) (07) 5675 7116 (Associate)