
The current full-time members of the court are:

  • Peta G Stilgoe LLB, LLM (President) (profile).
  • William A Isdale LLB, MPubAdmin (Member) (profile)
  • James R McNamara LLB, MPubAdmin (Member) (profile)
  • Nicholas D Loos LLB (profile)

There is one judicial registrar, Graham J Smith LLB, Grad Dip Leg Prac, BBus, LLM, FAPI, CPV (profile).

Members of the Land Appeal Court

The Land Appeal Court hears appeals from the Land Court and from the Land Tribunal established under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991.

The Land Appeal Court is constituted by a judge of the Supreme Court and two members of the Land Court, other than the member whose decision is under appeal.

The Supreme Court judges who currently act as members of the Land Appeal Court are:

  • The Honourable Justice Susan (Sue) Brown Southern District (profile—SCLQ website)
  • The Honourable Justice David OJ North—Northern District (profile—SCLQ website)
  • The Honourable Justice James D Henry—Far Northern District (profile—SCLQ website)
  • The Honourable Justice Graeme Crow—Central District (profile—SCLQ website).

See the judicial districts in Queensland.