Money disputes
If you have a financial dispute with another person or organisation, we recommend first trying to resolve the issue privately or through alternative dispute resolution methods.
If you have tried these methods and haven’t resolved your dispute, see the following sections on applying to the courts for a judgment and, where needed, enforcement of the judgment.
Where your matter will be heard depends on the amount in dispute.
Money disputes under $150,000
For disputes of value up to $150,000 started in the Magistrates Court
Money disputes between $150,000 and $750,000
For disputes of value between $150,000 and $750,000 in the District Court
Money disputes over $750,000
For disputes of value over $750,000 in the Supreme Court
Privacy notice
Certain personal information is collected by the Court when a claim for a civil action, money dispute or recovery of a civil debt is lodged with the Court. It is the Court’s usual practice to disclose any judgments issued or monetary orders that have been registered for enforcement, including relevant personal information about the debtor, upon request under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 to Credit Reporting Agencies.
The existence of a court judgment, and relevant personal information, may subsequently be disclosed by Credit Reporting Agencies when they provide credit reports to credit providers.
Further information about credit reports, including how to get a mistake fixed or judgment corrected, is available at MoneySmart or Legal Aid Queensland.