Enforcing tribunal orders
An order from the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal must be entered as a judgment in the relevant court before the order can be enforced.
The type of order you wish to enforce, be it monetary or non-monetary, determines the court to which you apply. Read about enforcing a QCAT decision on the QCAT website.
You need to provide the court with a copy of the tribunal order.
You can file these documents at the court closest to where either you or the person required to make the payment lives or has a place of business.
Once filed, the QCAT decision is taken to be an order of the court and can be enforced in the same ways as an order of that court.
You can obtain legal advice about enforcement options including applying for a warrant of execution or a money order.
Contact your local Queensland Courts registry for the relevant affidavit to complete.
Relevant legislation:
- Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (Chapter 2, Part 7)
- Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Rules 2009 (Part 6)
- Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Chapter 20, Part 7).