Drug and Specialist Courts Review
The Drug and Specialist Courts Review was initiated in late 2015 to ensure the Drug Court model for Queensland is evidence-based, cost-effective, and reflects contemporary best practice in addressing drug-related offending. The main focus of the review was on developing options for the Drug Court’s reinstatement. The review also considered how to best improve the current suite of court programs to enhance their operation.
The review was led by Emeritus Professor Arie Freiberg AM, Dr Karen Gelb, Dr Jason Payne and Emeritus Professor Toni Makkai (on behalf of the Australian National University) and Mr Anthony Morgan (on behalf of the Australian Institute of Criminology) and supported by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General.
The review involved extensive consultation with over 140 government and non-government stakeholders. It also involved a review of best practice in specialist court, and court diversionary approaches in Australia and overseas, to address issues related to offending, including drug and/or alcohol issues, mental health issues and housing instability. A review of best practice in court-based alcohol and other drug interventions in Australia and internationally was also undertaken.
Release of the Queensland Drug and Specialist Courts Review report
The Drug and Specialist Courts Review Final Report was released on 13 June 2017. The full report, including summary and recommendations are publicly available.
- Drug and Specialist Courts Review Final Report (Full)
- Final Report – Summary and Recommendations
- Drug and Specialist Courts Review Final Report – Part A: Foundational Principles
- Drug and Specialist Courts Review Final Report – Part B: Criminal Justice Framework
- Drug and Specialist Courts Review Final Report – Part C: Drug Court
- Appendix A: Consultation Summary Report
- Appendix B: Data to support the Drug and Specialist Courts Review
- Appendix C: Solution-focused interventions for drug-related offending
- Appendix D: Queensland Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Service Delivery Framework
- Appendix E: Building effective interventions for drugs users in the criminal justice system
- Appendix F: Mapping Queensland’s diversionary programs and specialist court interventions
- Appendix G: Drug Court Program Logic
About the former Drug Court
The former Queensland Drug Court operated as a post-sentence option in five court locations across Queensland (Beenleigh, Ipswich and Southport in South East Queensland, and Cairns and Townsville in Far North Queensland)
It operated under the Drug Court Act 2000, which was repealed in 2013.
The following reports evaluated the former Drug Court, including referral, participation and outcomes such as rate of reoffending (recidivism) in the program and after graduation or termination:
- Jason Payne, 'Final report on the North Queensland Drug Court' (2005) Australian Institute of Criminology: Technical and Background Paper, No. 17
- Jason Payne, ‘The Queensland Drug Court: a recidivism study of the first 100 graduates’ (2008) Research and Public Policy Series, Australian Institute of Criminology
- Toni Makkai and Keenan Veraar, ‘Final Report on the South East Queensland Drug Court’ (2003) Australian Institute of Criminology: Technical and Background Paper Series No.6.