Lost documents
What if I've lost my bail undertaking?
Losing your bail undertaking is not an excuse for not turning up to court.
If you lose your bail undertaking and forget your court date or your bail conditions, contact the court that gave you bail and ask for another copy.
What if I've lost my 'notice to appear'?
If you are given a Notice to Appear, you have to go to court on the date that the form tells you. If you lose this form, go to the Police website or contact the Police Prosecutor to find out what to do next.
What if I've lost my 'charge sheet'?
The piece of paper that tells you what you are being charged with is called a bench charge sheet. If you’ve lost your charge sheet, visit the Police website or contact the Police Prosecutor to find out what to do next.
If you need to get in touch with your court, you can find the court by name.