Resources and tools for self-represented litigants
If you decide to represent yourself in civil or criminal proceedings in the Supreme Court or District Court, you’ll need to familiarise yourself with court procedures and etiquette. Below are links to information that will assist you.
Alternative dispute resolution
Getting assistance to serve legal documents
Fees including reduction of civil court fees
Glossary of common court, tribunal and legal terms for interpreters
Legal advice versus procedural advice
Legislation (Queensland legislation)
Obtaining a trial date (callover)
Procedural fact sheets for civil proceedings – Supreme Court and District Court
Requesting information for legal proceedings
Scheme for pro bono mediation in proceedings involving self-represented litigants
Self-Represented Litigants Service
Sexual violence case management – District Court
Supervised case list for self-represented litigants for Supreme Court matters, and only on application and direction of the court
The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Useful links to other Australian courts, government agencies and legal resources