Accessing court files
You can now search online for Planning and Environment (P and E Court) files rather than visiting the registry counter in person.
Through the eCourts system, court users can access, download and print documents for active P and E Court files (matters) originating in Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville, Maroochydore and Southport.
If you need documents from files held outside the Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville, Maroochydore or Southport registries, you can obtain them from the courthouse registry where the matter was filed.
If documents have been deemed confidential by the court or legislation, such as mediation agreements or commercial-in-confidence material, you can’t access them online or from the registry.
Court staff can’t provide details of matters or lodged court documents over the phone.
Depending on the document type and size, there may be a delay between when a document is filed and when it’s available online. If you believe a document is missing or experience a technical problem with a document, contact the registry.
Parties, particularly legal firms, can help reduce delays in uploading documents to the eCourts system by giving the registry an electronic version of the document (on disc or USB) when they file the hard copy.