Land Valuation Appeals

Please click or tap on the different steps in the land valuation appeal process flowchart just below that you would like to know more about. Do you need forms, want to look at frequently asked questions (FAQs) or access other resources please scroll down below the flowchart and click or tap on the icons, alternatively if you are on a desktop you can use the menu to your left.

What is the process if I want to appeal my land valuation?

$ 5 million or less

Preliminary Conference (‘PC’)

Matter Unresolved?

Directions Hearing

Hearing Review

Appeal Hearing


Matter Resolved?

More than $5 million

Directions issued

Directions Hearing

Expert Evidence

Hearing Review

Appeal Hearing


How do I get procedural assistance?

Contact the Land Court to discuss your options. Attend an interview at the Land Court Registry in person, by phone or via video conference.

farmers shaking hands